
In this gritty and acclaimed cop drama set in Belfast, a trio of probationary PSNI officers-fortysomething ex-social worker Grace Ellis (Siân Brooke), head-on-a-swivel Catholic Republican Annie Conlon (Katherine Devlin), and marginally competent youngster Tommy Foster (Nathan Braniff)-get thrown into the deep end on a uniquely perilous beat. Martin McCann, Jonathan Harden, Joanne Crawford, Hannah McClean, Andrea Irvine, Andi Osho, Desmond Eastwood also star.6 episodes on 2 discs. 4 hrs. Widescreen; Soundtrack: English Dolby Digital stereo.
In this gritty and acclaimed cop drama set in Belfast, a trio of probationary PSNI officers-fortysomething ex-social worker Grace Ellis (Siân Brooke), head-on-a-swivel Catholic Republican Annie Conlon (Katherine Devlin), and marginally competent youngster Tommy Foster (Nathan Braniff)-get thrown into the deep end on a uniquely perilous beat. Martin McCann, Jonathan Harden, Joanne Crawford, Hannah McClean, Andrea Irvine, Andi Osho, Desmond Eastwood also star.6 episodes on 2 discs. 4 hrs. Widescreen; Soundtrack: English Dolby Digital stereo.
Blue Lights Year 1 - Blue Lights Year 1 (2pc) / (Mod)


Format: DVD
Rel. Date: 07/16/2024
UPC: 883929825509

Blue Lights Year 1 (2pc) / (Mod)
Artist: Blue Lights Year 1
Format: DVD
New: Available $32.23

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In this gritty and acclaimed cop drama set in Belfast, a trio of probationary PSNI officers-fortysomething ex-social worker Grace Ellis (Siân Brooke), head-on-a-swivel Catholic Republican Annie Conlon (Katherine Devlin), and marginally competent youngster Tommy Foster (Nathan Braniff)-get thrown into the deep end on a uniquely perilous beat. Martin McCann, Jonathan Harden, Joanne Crawford, Hannah McClean, Andrea Irvine, Andi Osho, Desmond Eastwood also star.6 episodes on 2 discs. 4 hrs. Widescreen; Soundtrack: English Dolby Digital stereo.
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