
Written and directed by "Taxi Driver" scribe Paul Schrader, this gritty drama stars George C. Scott as Jake VanDorn, a conservative, Michigan businessman and single father whose daughter disappears during a church youth group trip. His search for her leads him into the seedy world of the adult film industry where he finds an unlikely ally in a porn actress and prostitute (Season Hubley). Peter Boyle, Dick Sargent, Gary Graham co-star. 108 min. Widescreen (Enhanced); Soundtrack: English DTS Lossless stereo; Subtitles: English; audio commentary by Schrader, others; theatrical trailer.
Written and directed by "Taxi Driver" scribe Paul Schrader, this gritty drama stars George C. Scott as Jake VanDorn, a conservative, Michigan businessman and single father whose daughter disappears during a church youth group trip. His search for her leads him into the seedy world of the adult film industry where he finds an unlikely ally in a porn actress and prostitute (Season Hubley). Peter Boyle, Dick Sargent, Gary Graham co-star. 108 min. Widescreen (Enhanced); Soundtrack: English DTS Lossless stereo; Subtitles: English; audio commentary by Schrader, others; theatrical trailer.
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Artist: Hardcore
Format: Blu-Ray
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Written and directed by "Taxi Driver" scribe Paul Schrader, this gritty drama stars George C. Scott as Jake VanDorn, a conservative, Michigan businessman and single father whose daughter disappears during a church youth group trip. His search for her leads him into the seedy world of the adult film industry where he finds an unlikely ally in a porn actress and prostitute (Season Hubley). Peter Boyle, Dick Sargent, Gary Graham co-star. 108 min. Widescreen (Enhanced); Soundtrack: English DTS Lossless stereo; Subtitles: English; audio commentary by Schrader, others; theatrical trailer.
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