
Shin Godzilla is a 2016 Japanese tokusatsu kaiju film produced by Toho Company Ltd., and the thirty-first instalment in the Godzilla series. When a massive, gilled monster emerges from the deep, a rag-tag team of volunteers cuts through a web of red tape to uncover the monster's weakness and it's mysterious ties to a foreign superpower. But time is not on their side.
Shin Godzilla is a 2016 Japanese tokusatsu kaiju film produced by Toho Company Ltd., and the thirty-first instalment in the Godzilla series. When a massive, gilled monster emerges from the deep, a rag-tag team of volunteers cuts through a web of red tape to uncover the monster's weakness and it's mysterious ties to a foreign superpower. But time is not on their side.
Shin Godzilla: Movie - Shin Godzilla


Format: Blu-Ray
Label: FUP
Rel. Date: 02/02/2021
UPC: 704400103889

Shin Godzilla
Artist: Shin Godzilla: Movie
Format: Blu-Ray
New: Not in stock

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Shin Godzilla is a 2016 Japanese tokusatsu kaiju film produced by Toho Company Ltd., and the thirty-first instalment in the Godzilla series. When a massive, gilled monster emerges from the deep, a rag-tag team of volunteers cuts through a web of red tape to uncover the monster's weakness and it's mysterious ties to a foreign superpower. But time is not on their side.
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