"Schubert Reimagined," is a unique new album revitalising the music of Franz Schubert, featuring renowned cellist Josephine Knight, alongside the highly sought-after vocal group The Gesualdo Six, pianist Simon Crawford-Phillips and Timothy Jones on horn. The carefully curated repertoire includes the slow movement from Schubert's poignant String Quintet D.956, arranged for cello and The Gesualdo Six; the expressive Sonata for cello and piano in A minor 'Arpeggione' D. 821; and captivating Schubert songs delivered through innovative arrangements by Timothy Jones. The album showcases the unique blend of cello and horn, instruments with close proximity to the textures of the human voice, providing a natural musical partnership. With a special rendition of the iconic C major string quintet's slow movement featuring The Gesualdo Six, along with other masterpieces, Josephine Knight weaves a narrative that transcends traditional boundaries, creating a seamless amalgamation of singers and instrumentalists.
"Schubert Reimagined," is a unique new album revitalising the music of Franz Schubert, featuring renowned cellist Josephine Knight, alongside the highly sought-after vocal group The Gesualdo Six, pianist Simon Crawford-Phillips and Timothy Jones on horn. The carefully curated repertoire includes the slow movement from Schubert's poignant String Quintet D.956, arranged for cello and The Gesualdo Six; the expressive Sonata for cello and piano in A minor 'Arpeggione' D. 821; and captivating Schubert songs delivered through innovative arrangements by Timothy Jones. The album showcases the unique blend of cello and horn, instruments with close proximity to the textures of the human voice, providing a natural musical partnership. With a special rendition of the iconic C major string quintet's slow movement featuring The Gesualdo Six, along with other masterpieces, Josephine Knight weaves a narrative that transcends traditional boundaries, creating a seamless amalgamation of singers and instrumentalists.
"Schubert Reimagined," is a unique new album revitalising the music of Franz Schubert, featuring renowned cellist Josephine Knight, alongside the highly sought-after vocal group The Gesualdo Six, pianist Simon Crawford-Phillips and Timothy Jones on horn. The carefully curated repertoire includes the slow movement from Schubert's poignant String Quintet D.956, arranged for cello and The Gesualdo Six; the expressive Sonata for cello and piano in A minor 'Arpeggione' D. 821; and captivating Schubert songs delivered through innovative arrangements by Timothy Jones. The album showcases the unique blend of cello and horn, instruments with close proximity to the textures of the human voice, providing a natural musical partnership. With a special rendition of the iconic C major string quintet's slow movement featuring The Gesualdo Six, along with other masterpieces, Josephine Knight weaves a narrative that transcends traditional boundaries, creating a seamless amalgamation of singers and instrumentalists.