The long-awaited 7' single of 'TENO HIRA' from immigrant rapper Moment Joon's controversial 2020 album 'Passport & Garcon' is now available!Moment Joon has been making music, calling himself an 'immigrant rapper' since his debut in 2019. His music is filled with the ridicule and anger he feels while living in Japan as an immigrant, as well as his relationship with mainstream society and the loneliness that comes with it. Nonetheless, Moment Joon sings about connection and hope in 'TENO HIRA' (Palm of the hand). Having broken free from the term 'minority' that confines him, the sea of palms he creates by singing 'Show me your palms' is the purest Japanese hip-hop that will never be erased by the label of 'socialist rapper'. LISTEN: https://youtu. Be/-Z7NiWlT8nkSonglistA1. TENO HIRAB1. TENO HIRA-INSTRUMENTAL