2. Ambassel - (Town In Wollo Province And Musical Reference/Slow)
3. Ambassel - (Town In Wollo Province And Musical Reference/Fast)
4. Mention It Not
5. Learn My Son
6. How Much More Can This World Take?
7. Speak
8. Our Ancient Love
9. I Fear
10. She Resembles the Flower
11. My Young One
12. Black Panther - (Very Probably a Song Refering To the Black Pant
13. Night That Would Not End, The
14. Let's End It
15. I Am a Soldier
16. Mother, A Stepmother
17. If You Live Alone
18. My Rose
More Info:
Alemayehu Eshete is no less than one of the great voices of the heyday of modern Ethiopian music - the Swinging Sixties that, in Ethiopia, went on until the fall of Emperor Haile Sellassie I in 1974.