Airing on CBS from 1994 to 2003, this inspirational drama starred Roma Downey as Monica, an apprentice angel eager to begin her new assignment as an earthly "caseworker," and Della Reese as Tess, her experienced supervisor. Travelling across the country in their Cadillac convertible, Monica and Tess-along with Andrew (John Dye), the Angel of Death-set out to help those in need, changing their lives and restoring their faith.214 episodes on 59 discs. 165 1/2 hrs. Standard; Soundtracks: English Dolby Digital stereo, Spanish Dolby Digital stereo; interview; audio commentary.
Airing on CBS from 1994 to 2003, this inspirational drama starred Roma Downey as Monica, an apprentice angel eager to begin her new assignment as an earthly "caseworker," and Della Reese as Tess, her experienced supervisor. Travelling across the country in their Cadillac convertible, Monica and Tess-along with Andrew (John Dye), the Angel of Death-set out to help those in need, changing their lives and restoring their faith.214 episodes on 59 discs. 165 1/2 hrs. Standard; Soundtracks: English Dolby Digital stereo, Spanish Dolby Digital stereo; interview; audio commentary.
Airing on CBS from 1994 to 2003, this inspirational drama starred Roma Downey as Monica, an apprentice angel eager to begin her new assignment as an earthly "caseworker," and Della Reese as Tess, her experienced supervisor. Travelling across the country in their Cadillac convertible, Monica and Tess-along with Andrew (John Dye), the Angel of Death-set out to help those in need, changing their lives and restoring their faith.214 episodes on 59 discs. 165 1/2 hrs. Standard; Soundtracks: English Dolby Digital stereo, Spanish Dolby Digital stereo; interview; audio commentary.