
Taylor Swift Record Store Day Release

Taylor Swift Record Store Day Release

Hey Swifties! We've been getting a lot of questions about Taylor's RSD release so we wanted to let you all know what to expect this Saturday. ⁠

Since Taylor is our Record Store Day Ambassador this year, she's releasing an exclusive 7" record, The Lakes. Unfortunately the number of copies that were made is nowhere near enough to meet the demand for this record. ⁠

🚨We have not received our copies of this release yet, but we are expecting to receive 7 copies by Friday. These will be available first come, first served, one per customer. If you want to get a copy, you will need to be near the front of our Record Store Day line. In the past, customers have started lining up as early as Friday afternoon.🚨⁠

We want everyone to be safe, so we hired a security guard to patrol the area on Friday night. We know that for some of you, this may be your first time experiencing Record Store Day and we want to make this a great time for everyone. If you miss out on the Taylor 7", we do have a limited number of Taylor Swift Record Store Day Ambassador badges to give away (while they last). Just let your cashier know you were here for Taylor and they'll hook you up with one. ⁠

For all other Record Store Day info, check out our event info here. We're excited to spend the day with you!⁠

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